THANKS TO TEAM 'Z' LEAD BY ZOE MYERS: Austin Anderson, Page Bakunas, Chris, Madalina and Mike Bowman, Lauren Castillo, Ben Caya, Rene Charter, Bradley Crooks, Chelsey Gabrielle, Brandon Jay, Elizabeth, Linda and William Johnson, Ann Marie Frohoff, Veronica Knowlton, Jimmy Nguyen, Katy Piccirilo and more. The complete list is available on Zoe's Page:
Also on Zoe's Team was Joey Luthman, (of "WEEDS", "PRIVATE PRACTICE", "iCARLY", "AN AMERICAN CAROL" AND "SAVE THE SKEET") who ran in the 5K WALK for AUTISM SPEAKS on April 24th, 2010 at the ROSE BOWL in Pasadena, CA. The donations continue for the next 30 days.
Check out this Article by Green Girls: Celeb Kids Walk the Walk for Autism

The time to find a cure is now. Every 20 minutes, another child is diagnosed with autism. Your donation helps to support our goal to change the future for all who struggle with autism. Together, we'll find the missing pieces!
If you would like more information on Walk Now for Autism Speaks or on volunteering for the Walk, please visit To learn more about autism and Autism Speaks, please visit